The bus-in brings students from respective schools to performances at local performing arts venues. The purpose of this is to raise awareness of the performing arts, support AZ Arts Standards, teach basic vocabulary and skills of instrumental and vocal performance and further entice students to pursue the arts as electives in school.
The workshop brings the artists to classrooms in the Gila Valley. A classroom teacher provides pre-teaching to prepare the students for the artist’s visit. The purpose is to support and supplement classroom curriculum. Examples: Charles Lindbergh visited Safford Middle School Social Studies classes to discuss the role of aviation in the history of our country. A string quartet worked with Thatcher Middle band students to project sound and rhythm in their group performances. .
The master class provides direct instruction to students who perform within the arts. These sessions are offered to instrumental and vocal students from the Gila Valley. Our local instructors plan closely with performers and are thrilled to have the opportunity for their students to learn from the masters.
The mini concert brings our artists to a school for an assembly type concert or other small performance that meets the school's needs.
The in-school residency brings the artists TO students. It allows for performances to smaller audiences and creates a more intimate atmosphere for learning.
Nobuntu performs at a bus in for students.